Tuesday 21 June 2016

How to Break WordPress Password

Most of the time we watch that when do something good with a website when somebody hack our website whereby all hard work convert into garbage within seconds. It gives pain because we do hard work on a website from many couple of month or years where we receive zero after the hack website. WordPress is the strong place for building commercial website where most of the website developers are taking too much interest now these days. WordPress password should be strong and immeasurable otherwise you will get lose from website security. Security breaking system has been common now these days where newbie tries their skills on website and hack them for their professional advantage. Let’s start the lesson that how to break wordpress website.

Break wordpress through SQL injection

  1. Check it out all website’s coding and developing art that how to developer use code for the website.
  2. Go to the plug-in files and check it out all SQL related coding and find the chance to hack a website.
  3. Queries become main reason behind hacking a website that’s why we should more concentrate upon it.
  4. Usually, hackers like to use “union query” and fetch with website’ database to get information about owner.
  5. Hackers check all tables and rows of wp-user and relate it with their email addresses.
  6. This is the example of it. (-1 union Select 1,2,3,4,5,6,group_concat(user_login,—-,user_pass),7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,262,7,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40 from wp_users)

How to Break WordPress Admin Password

WordPress admin password is not a big deal but it has much importance in our life because it is our first sign up where we enter into the website’s dashboard without any problem as an author. Here, we can do anything change and modification so there is no limitation here for us. Suppose, if a hacker has been success to break your admin password then what will happen with you. Now, you can think about it because most of the website gets problems from here. WordPress admin password is the main key of secret information that contains all kind of information about website. Keep secure it and maintain with update information. People will search “how to break wordpress admin passoword” but you have to stand with strong security updates.
  • First, try to get email information of owner because most of the users keep their secrets in email id.
  • Check all plug-in files and search config files because these kind of files remain coding secrets that release admin password.
  • <“Select * From “.$wpdb->prefix.”allvideogallery_profiles Where id=”.$_pid>
  • Hackers give force to queries because developers like to use variable direct in queries without any type casting because they think that it is common issue, which will not create problem for us. It becomes reason to hack a website.
  • $_pid=$_GET[‘pid’]> it is the real example of using variable where developers leave type casting.

How to Break WordPress Posts into Pages

Post pagination is the simple and most advantageous facility in the wordpress website where we can break posts into pages through this manner because it becomes pages comfortable and user-friendly. Now these days, website’s content has been long and professional bloggers are writing more than 2000 words that’s why most of the websites could not publish data on single page where create duplicity andpost pagination save us from this kind of problem. Posts into pages are the part of wordpress hacking because hackers hacked those people website that could not good use of post pagination. We need to define it clearly and avoid how to break wordpress settings.

How to Break WordPress Home Page

Home page is one of the most visiting places for a website where a visitor comes first and watches website’s strategy. Most of the hackers make target this page instead of deep link pages. WordPress home page should be static which should be separate from header, footer, side bar navigation and main body area. It should be clean and upgrade otherwise old information has maximum chance to hacking purpose. a website never can be complete without home page creation that’s why each web developer make home page first. How to break wordpress home page is not so tough for hackers because most of the web developers do not use paid version and authorized theme that’s why most of the website have been easily hacked by hackers
  • Keep clean your HTML and compress it after creation because it should not large more than 32KB according to standard rules.
  • Keep proper use of paragraph tag (<p>) and break tag (<br>) to become home page identical for visitors.
  • When you decide a theme for a website then use this code (the_excerpt() instead of the_content()) to make your home page secure from hackers.
  • Keep all coding paste in the notepad and save it in the computer’s folder for next time backup because it will help after hacked a website.
  • Integrate text with visual wysiwyg text editor and adhere all rules and regulations about formatting issues.

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